Photography by Ralph Curtis
Please browse my galleries.
I am a creative artist, passionate about photographing Wisconsin's wildlife, landscape, and nature. My photography journey began 20 years ago, focusing on documentary stories of animals and birds. It has been both my passion and my release. Every free moment, I could be found in the woods, swamps, and prairies, blending my love for the outdoors with my passion for photography. My photographic journey has led me to new subjects, such as woodland landscapes, and "Mystical Lanterns", , where I transform mushrooms and wild flowers into glowing works of art.
University of Wisconsin - Madison
McPhearson Eye Institute Art Exhibit
I am a photographer who spends all of my photography time in nature.
Photographing woodland scenes, prairies, wildlife, wildflowers and mushrooms. To feed my passion for creating, I often create "Mystical Lanterns" while photographing flowers and mushrooms in the wild.
My process of creation consists of multiple underexposed shots, snot with a very shallow depth-of-fielld, which are focused stacked in Photoshop to create an image where the subject is the focal point caused by limited sharpness of just the subject in focus in a "night time" appearance. More exposures are made using flashlights, and other light sources, which create a subject that "glows". All captures are then composited in Photoshop, merging together to create a Mystical Lantern photograph.